We offer a full range of services to our clients. From design and supply of kit buildings for owner builders, handy homeowners and trades through to full design and construct projects including: earthworks, council approvals, concrete works, plumbing and electrical trades with all legal, compliance and certification issues handled by us.
"How do I know what I need?" Talk to us!
We will discuss your project in detail, provide some options and suggestions, then develop a planned and fully costed proposal that meets your needs and budget.
We make sure that you are fully informed of all the processes, approvals, fees and charges and payment schedules required.
Concrete Slabs + Footings
Quality earthworks for your slab base is essential to the strength and longevity of your building. The next step is construction of high strength, engineer designed slabs and footings. We use a minimum of 25MPa concrete and F72 steel mesh for our small garages through to 40 MPa with F102 mesh heavy industrial strength truck slabs. Residential designs available as well as custom designs through our associated firm of Structural Engineers.
Council Approval
This is the daunting part for many of our clients.
"What does all the jargon mean?" "What is a Section 68?"
"BAL assessment?"
Leave it to us!
Simply sign a consent form and we will prepare and lodge on your behalf, often at no extra cost apart from the Council charges.
If you prefer to lodge yourself we provide comprehensive engineers drawings and details with every job.
Custom Builds
Fair Dinkum MultiBuild Software is industry leading and gives us the most valuable tool to create a huge range of building configurations. At the same time most structural engineering is generated automatically giving all of us peace of mind. From a quick design for a "weird size" through to the most complex projects, additions and connections, we have the capacity and experience to build your dream design.
"Have you outgrown your Fair Dinkum Shed?" Easy, we design an exactly matching module to easily extend.
"Have you outgrown your Some Other Shed?" Still easy in most cases. Our experience in fabrication and customisation allows us to design an extension that is nearly identical in exterior appearance.
Note: Discontinued colours and gutter designs can be an issue with older sheds.
"Ever been in a shed with condensation dripping all over you?"
"Ever been unable to work in a shed due to the heat?"
From light anti-con foil, through roll type bubble , foam cell and blanket insulation, this inclusion is a critical decision to make. Fitted at construction stage, the comfort and useability of your shed is greatly enhanced with our modern products.
Site Advice
Every site is different; all have positives that can be enhanced, and negatives that can be overcome with careful, thorough
on site consultation. We discuss: privacy, access, drainage, utility,sunlight and shade, security, possible future extensions and more. We aim to improve the aesthetics, functionality and value of your property.
On going support
"Planning a new home, developing a new property, starting a new business?"
"I will need a big shed later but can't afford it all yet"
"I don't know how much space my business will need as it grows"
Talk to us. We will help you make provision for future growth without all the expense up front.
Whether it be the extent of earthworks, the approvals process, or design of modular buildings...we can help you plan for the future now.
From our first Fair Dinkum Shed
in 2007 we have had many repeat customers.
We provide on going product support and advice for all our customers and most jobs are still accessible in our system.
Whether it is over the phone building advice for our owner builders, a fresh copy of plans for your records or replacement materials for that "whoops" moment when you hit the shed with the car...we will be here to help.
we are only a phone call away